Stories & Highlights
Locust Grove Excellence
Educating the Individual Student
State Superintendent Woods recognized LGMS for growth in the percentage of 6th grade students reading at or above grade level for the 2023- 2024 school year.
We are now offering a new club for 7th Grade Boys called L.E.G.O.(Leadership through Education through Greek Organizations), led by Mr. M Foster for the 24-25 school year.
Mr. Bykofsky, Computer Science and Engineering Teacher, was just awarded a $15,000 Snapping Shoals Bright Ideas Grant to support teaching and learning in our STEM Lab!
Girls’ and Boys’ XC Teams both earned 3rd Overall in the County for MS Teams with a 1st Place Middle School Boys’ Cross Country HCS Champion!
LGMS offers several High School Credit classes including Algebra, Geometry, High School Physical Science, Spanish I, Basic Agriculture Science, Comprehensive Art I, and Journalism I.
Our core values include Family, Respect, and Integrity. Every decision for our building is made with these three values and mind.